Promotion of sustainable use of bioenergy in West and South Bačka District

Promotion of sustainable use of bioenergy in West and South Bačka District


Project Title: Promotion of sustainable use of bioenergy in West and South Bačka District

Donor: Тhe Federal Republic of Germany, Тhe German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

Total Budget: 31.660,80 EUR

Main Objective: Promotion of sustainable use of bioenergy in West and South Bačka District through development of Regional Energy Competence Centre in West and South Bačka District, active cooperation within key local and regional actors related to bioenergy and established Energy Centres in Serbia as well as through strong media campaign and increase public awareness on sustainable use of biomass.

Lead Partner: Regional Development Agency Bačka

Date of Contract Signature: July 2021

Project duration: July 2021-November 2021
