Building administrative capacities with focus on IPARD (as preparation for Common Agricultural Policy) and other EU funds


BACID (Building administrative capacities in the Danube region)

Вредност пројекта:

5.725,00 €

Циљ пројекта:

Strengthening the capacities of representatives of 16 LED offices from Backa region in the project management with focus on rural development/agricultural funds. PCM training with focus on agriculture/rural development for representatives of the LED offices will be valuable and necessary preparation for IPARD funds which are going to open for Serbia in the next period. 

Носилац пројекта:

EuroVienna EU-consulting & -management Ltd.

Партнер на пројекту:

Регионална развојна агенција Бачка

Датум потписивања уговора:

11. septembar 2017. godine

Време реализације пројекта:

Oktobar-novembar 2017. godine


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