Europe Future of Young in Rural Areas - EFYRA

Europe Future of Young in Rural Areas - EFYRA
Project title: Europe Future of Young in Rural Areas - EFYRA
Donor: Project is Co-funded by the Europe for Citizens Programme of the European Union
Total budget: 118.440 EUR
Main objective: The purpose of the project is to identify the causes of migration in each partner area through a joint discussion of the project partners and to identify suggestions for preventing youth migration through active workshops. The quality of the analyzes and thematic discussions will be contributed by the experts  (demographers and sociologists) who will be involved in the design of the EFYRA Study. The EFYRA Study will try to make an impact on policy-making at EU level. The project will involve young people who will be actively involved in analyzes and workshops, and the creation of  EFYRA Study.
EFYRA Study will be sent to the national governments of the project partners, the Euro-parliamentarians and to the EU Commission.
Lead partner: Croatia – LAG PRIZAG 
Project partners:
1. Youth Association “Mladi za Marof” (Croatia)
2. Slovenia – Association Društvo za razvijanje prostovoljnega dela Novo mesto (Slovenia)
3. Association Slow Tourism Alto Adige (Italy)
4. Municipality of Borgo Virgilio (Italy)
5. Municipality of Sopronkovesd (Hungary)
6. LAG Ida Harju (Estonia)
7. Regional Development Agency Bačka (Serbia)
8. Association of citizens "Danube 1245" (Serbia)
9. Northern Macedonia – Municipality of Kruševo
Project Duration:  1.10.2020. - 20.3.2022.
Project web page:
